If you're feeling any type of sensation in your heart, try this simple technique to check in with yourself and offer support. This technique involves placing your hand on your heart, and it can be helpful for feelings of grief, sadness, heaviness, anxiety, or any other sensation you may feel in this region of your body.
To try this technique, start by taking a moment to check in with yourself and see if it feels good to place your hand on your heart. If it does, gently place your hand on your chest and take a few deep breaths.
As you keep your hand on your heart, allow yourself to feel any sensations that arise. Sometimes, the heart needs support, and historically, we may not have received it. By placing your hand on your heart, you're giving yourself permission to be with these sensations and offer yourself the support you need.
Stay with this technique for as long as it feels comfortable, letting your body feel what it needs to feel. And remember, the support of your hand on your chest can be a powerful tool for calming your nervous system and offering yourself comfort and care.